Magically blessed ritual chamber:
"I summon thee Charidej through this sign, carved to the east wall of Hypnos Temple of Understanding by your lord and sovereign Hypnos. Come and help us in our efforts." During these words mage also visualises triangle sign, created by red flames. This triangle will have matching size to other symbols, which mage must see clearly! Later, using his imagination he will create great gate above the altar, bearing the seal of summoned force. If this seal is unknown to mage, or there is no known seal to this force, theres its name written on the gate. Meanwhile mages female assistant is lying on the altar and masturbating. After mage finishes the visualisation of four signs including the great gate, he returns the dagger onto table and with his eyes closed takes a position in his favorite asana, while facing east. After doing so, his assistant gently takes his manhood in her mouth ( for this purpose is appropriate to use a simple ritual robes and operators should be completely naked underneath).
In the moment when mage begins to feel the pleasure caused by his assistant, he gives her the sign to interrupt her actions, open her eyes and take a look around the chamber.
Defiance to abominations and delusions has kult DEBTEH for man alive or dead, full of misery, despair and grudge, for his width and mocking beauty. Too much imposes hate on people. Hate for nature, curse and suffering of body, miserable but present a being the only treasure of oppressed, small and ignorant, all those who not yet came to understanding of a soul. Hate keeps growing.
Ghosts are coming from blood spilled by crime. They are reproaches, living the former life of the murdered will pursue the murderer always and always. They are born from menstruation blood of virgins and women. They are crowding around maidens, personifying their burning desires, igniting loners with pleasurable ecstasies and by that they are growing. They are crowding everywhere, where called by flabbiness, desire for love, or sickness. Like harbingers of curse they are rearing and distorting their faces around man hateful and feeding on his anger. Drawn by emptiness a despair like lovers, teeming around flabby people, angry and mad, making their plan of doom and demoralization truth and feeding their own crazy voracity.
Dance is heated and passionate here. Its not only intoxication, but its awfully useful; its saving from the evil of procreation, tearing the bond of fetus and womb in minions.
Desteht XVI
is giving the power of transformation to his most beloved followers and every human being, however sickened by melancholy, is becoming happy member of cosmic vibrations if touched by his iron scepter. Everyone is turned away from center ring like if dancing and jumping, colliding with one another. And as the illusion of shame or defence is missing here, woman are getting used to conjoin hands behind. Their butts are descending while hands wrapping... pathetic bitches, awaiting pleasure in hole in spine that will never straighten again and with bloated belly sitting on their thighs and leaning their disgusting meat on it, while offering themselves to one another.
Cattle, which man has put his name on, is not worthy of the sun, deserving death, so he is not followed as a sad example by animals free and cursed. Non living objects do not deserve rough mercy, it is necessary to pile rubble on rubble. Rubble itself is beautiful, painful and worthy of Satan, habitable by his followers, pariahs of society, vagrants and owls. However the cemeteries are excluded. Under the condition that rich grave destroys too. That the poor dead being bound by nothing can come back as vampires and murder, murder even after murdered themselves. They can serve as helpers in killing, with their bones crushed to dust, serving wizards as nourishment and be victims of death promoted to murder.
The grid in front of the altar submits to will of hand rising from under wide cloak. From the folds of black robes emerge books, which the dead symmetrically places on both ends and the middle of the altar. Midnight rings. On the twelfth strike descends the dead priest on altars stairs with hands spread out and stiff body of his solidifies in the picture of a dead cross. It is a preparing vigil, calling for occult powers, in which condences and stabilises cursed will of the one, who will plead Qoet for help. Blessed be the food of Death, a thousand times more blessed than the bread of life, for no human hand brought you, nobody milled you. The evil god himself brought you to the mill, so you could become the food of apparition. Invoke Qoet a you will not fear death.
The hideous laughter sticks out Kooseht from the mouth the tongue, similar to the red pole and licks vertical lips. Its as if a sticky hell lava flowed in the blood.
Fragments from Book of the Dead, The Satanic Bible and the occult philosophy.