Greetings to all Debteh cult followers. Sadly i have a bad news for you.
With huge regret i have to inform you, that i will not complete this hellish game for a number of reasons like: Older Game Maker version, lot of work on other projects a not enough time for this one.
I am releasing Technological Alpha, which is showing basic principles and contains only 2 maps. Enjoy. It contains a lot of bugs and non-logical issues so dont be scared. Although i personally hope you will be :)
Right now i am preparing a new game with my team. We will be in touch with any closer informations, so watch the blog and the official website .
Thanks everybody for your support and im sory for not getting this interesting concept to the end....
Its still possible i will return to this project in the future and i welcome any feedback, positive or negative.
Thanks RZE